IPhone 13, many people lovers of smart mobile phones from Apple are looking for the date of the new giant iPhone 13 from Apple International, where some leaks that some people circulate on social media sites different from the expected iPhone 13 specifications as well as the price and date of its descent in the markets.He has the largest random memory in the world until our time, and according to the leaks that was published by analyst Ming Che Ko that Apple will launch four different models of the iPhone 13, namely (iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, iPhone 13 Pro, iPhone 13Pro MAX) This is based on what the CNET network mentioned, the new phone from Apple comes with a lot of specific specifications and features that we will mention to you during the next few lines, so follow me to find out all the details.Also, we will introduce you to the price of the phone in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Iraq and the Arab Republic of Egypt.
Many people ask when the iPhone 13 descends?Where some leaked news from Apple International revealed that the new iPhone 13 will be launched in the month of September 2021 AD, and these are the usual times from Apple in which its new phones are presented, everyone is waiting for a passion for the new iPhone 13 to the market to the markets.
IPhone 13 How much is it?These are the prices that were leaked to the iPhone 13, the new Apple giant:
Now we may have reached the end of this article in which we presented you with the new iPhone 13 specifications from Apple International, and the price of the iPhone 13 in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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