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The developed countries of the world have started a race towards building a quantitative computer with a computing power and superior treatment to win the preference in this field, so the present may be the perfect time to evaluate and define the best method for progress and continuity in the post -quantum world.

Prepare for the era of quantitative computers

Although we have spent two contracts to create an effective infrastructure to encrypt with public keys, and after conducting fundamental research during the past ten years, we realize that our success in building a large -scale quantitative computer will endanger infrastructure security to encrypt with public keys at risk.But the world is already approaching the construction of quantitative computers, which are machines that benefit from the phenomena of quantum mechanics to solve mathematical issues that are difficult or difficult on traditional computers.The quantitative computers will also improve to a large extent of people's ability to find solutions to problems that include limited quantities of data and require wide computing, which will help find more than one solution at the same time, unlike traditional computers that need to study each solution separately.

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The effects of building quantitative computers on the infrastructure for encryption

But let us understand the broader influences of all of this. After our joy is extinguished by building a quantitative computer, we have to prepare to coexist with the effects of this innovation;The quantitative computer will remove protection from all encrypted data around the world, which is considered completely safe today, as it will lose 70% of the existing codes, the traditional security levels it provides.

كيف نستعد لمستقبل التشفير ما بعد الكم؟

According to our expectations, the quantitative computer will penetrate the encryption systems with the general keys currently used and threaten the secrecy and safety of digital communications on the global web network and outside it to a serious extent..This may lead to severe consequences, especially for governments and institutions, which consider encryption an essential part of their work through long -term planning and for data security needed to implement their plans.Note that the possibility of this happens is not far from us, as a quantitative algorithm is currently available, which is the "Shor algorithm" that was developed in 1994 and can analyze the correct numbers and the algorithm calculated efficiently, so it is a threat to the infrastructure security of the current public keys using the RS algorithmsEh "and encryption with elliptical curves.

Therefore, the goal of post -quantum encryption (also called the cumin resistant encryption) is to develop safe encoding systems against quantitative and traditional computers that can deal with current communication protocols and networks, i.e. systems consisting of algorithms that depend on various mathematical issues, exceeding the analysis of the correct numbers or separate logarithms.

Also read: Quantitative Internet: A new achievement in the field of quantum tangle brings us closer to getting the future Internet

Towards post -quantum algorithms

It may not be less than the necessity of forming the features of post -quantum encryption standards than the importance of developing post -quantum algorithms, i.e. guidance standards for encryption with public keys that help to develop a full new set of post -quantum algorithms..The National Institute for Standards and Technology, affiliated with the US Department of Commerce, announced in 2016 a plan to choose and unify the standards of post -quantum keys for signatures, encryption and major institutions through the mechanisms of concealment of key information.The plan was presented in the form of a competition, and the deadline for submitting applications was in November 2017, and it is currently in its final stage.

The standardization initiative includes five main groups of post -quantum encryption algorithms: signs based on network encryption, code, homogeneous symmetry, retail, and encryption on multiple variables.Each of them comes with a unique bouquet of positives and negatives.For example, the algorithms based on network encryption, which depend on the variables of the episodes or the ideal networks associated with the "SIS Solution" systems (SIS) and "LWE learning", is one of the best candidates for employing them in the field of encryption, signatures and key exchanges.

It is clear that the psychology professionals are ready today for the inevitability of quantity and participate in the formation of the features of existing and effective solutions, and it is expected that these solutions will improve significantly during the next ten years..The main challenge will then be the adoption of those expected solutions in the current infrastructure of the Internet, as we will need to overcome industrial challenges in the stage of their emergence, and the complexities of the transition from the map of current encryption systems and the solutions of safe communications to the resistance alternatives, and these are only some possible results.

Also read: The road towards quantum computers: a new synthetic mechanism for mono -corn transistors

Work to move to post -quantum encryption at the level of institutions

In the non -distant future, we will witness the development of post -quantum encryption that employs traditional normative encryption algorithms along with post -quantum algorithms.This mixed approach may lead to support for the flexibility and durability of the field of encryption as a whole.

In that context, institutions and governments that make up the vital infrastructure of any country must start moving to post -quantum encryption, that is, the shift from classic encryption to post -quantum encryption or from post -quantum encryption to stronger encryption, to ensure that a flexible structure of encryptionPhilanthropist.Often these institutions store important data used for more than 50 years.This may mean within the period of use of encryption, the development of a quantum computer that has enough power to launch inactive attacks on previously encrypted data.

From the past two years, we learned to adapt to the unknown, pay the change and move forward without hesitation, and we have an opportunity now to rebuild and correct some of the defects inherent in the current infrastructure so that we can raise the efficiency of the Internet security and reliability and exchange data for all users.


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