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Housing: Opening of 47.8 thousand residential units and 34 service projects in 3 cities.

Dr. Asim Al -Jazzar, Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, reviewed the difference between what Greater Cairo was in 1970 and what it reached in 2015, and the contribution of new cities in addressing the defect in the demographic distribution of the population, during his speech today in the opening of housing projects in the West Cairo range, Cities (October 6 - New October - October Gardens), by the honor of President Abdel Fattah Al -Sisi.

Dr. Asim Al -Jazzar began his speech by emphasizing the need to look at what was the situation, and evaluate the presentation of the present, so that we can put plans for the future, as well as evaluating the achievements that have been achieved so that the future can be paid to, and the course is modified if there is a requirement for that.

The Minister of Housing asked, where were we?100 individuals / acres of total density) - clear density at the residential district level only.

As for the total density, it is at the city level -while the main urban bloc of Greater Cairo reached in 2015 -after 45 years -to 140 thousand acres, an increase of 240 %, inhabited by 16.8 million people, an increase of 300 %, and the net population density reached 500 individuals /Feddam (140 individuals / acres of total density), and this is average density.

While the clear density in some Cairo neighborhoods reached 750 individuals / acres, and in some Giza neighborhoods to 1000 individuals / acres, and therefore, the result is a urban mass stacked with population, activities and movement.

The Minister pointed to the general features of Amran residential neighborhoods in the Cairo region, where the clear population density reaches 500 people / acres, which is a very high density, and non -residential uses reached 30 - 35 % (increasing the percentage of non -productive activities - consumer society).

The building rate reached 70 %, which led to a decrease in the percentage of green spaces, spaces and open areas, and the percentage of roads is less than 20 %, which causes overcrowding and crowding.

Dr. Assem El -Jazzar went on, in the statement of the situation that Greater Cairo reached, where traffic jams, and the resulting pollution and increased carbon emissions, the double time taken on daily trips, and the decrease in the average speed on traffic axes, from 70: 30 km / hour.

One of the Japanese "JICA" institutions said in 2010 that if Cairo continues, Cairo will announce in 2030 a "dead" city, that is, the speed of movement will decrease on the main axes below the 10 km / hour, and these qualities confirm thatThis place is not an urban environment suitable for practicing business, nor for the lives of the population, as well as the heat inventory of the urban mass.

As well as increasing the rates of pollution "Urban thermal island", which increased significantly during the period from 1990 to 2019, and this explains the increase in thermal state from actual degrees and the stopping of air movement, in many times of the year.

The minister compared the major Cairo region and the major regions globally. The Greater Cairo region is inhabited by 18.5 million people, on an area of 1726 km2, the population density is 11 thousand people / km2, and the city of Paris, inhabited by 11.5 million people, on an area of 2300 km2, and the population density is 5 thousandNessma / km2, and the region of Maxico, inhabited by 21.8 million people, on an area of 7800 km2, and the population density 2800 people / km2.

اقرأ أيضا7 شركات عقارية تتنافس للحصول على قطعة أرض في حدائق أكتوبر

The Minister of Housing dealt with the measures taken to develop the urban environment and improve the quality of life. The population density in the current situation is 500 people / acres, and we aim to reduce it to 250 people / acre, by expanding the establishment and development of new urban communities, and the existing permeability of urbanization.

The percentage of non -residential uses is currently 30 - 35 %, and we aim to reduce them to 20-25 %, by providing job opportunities in the main and productive activities, and we aim to reduce the construction rate from 70 %in the current situation to 50 %, and this is what led us to takeProcedures for setting new planning and building requirements for the governance and control of urbanization, especially in the Greater Cairo region.

As well as increasing the percentage of roads to 30 % (currently is less than 20 %), by raising the efficiency and expansion of current roads and the construction of new roads, and this explains the state's interest in road projects, which contribute to linking the urbanization that exists to new urban communities.

Stressing that these measures are consistent and integrated, and they must be implemented combined until the problem is solved, as the creation of the new cities is not the only solution, but the existing urbanization must be disturbed.

Dr. Asim Al -Jazzar provided an explanation of the contribution of the new cities in addressing the defect in the demographic distribution of the population (2015), as the percentage of the population of the Greater Cairo region increased to represent 23 % of the population of the Republic in 2015, and this is a very great danger, that there are about a quarter of the country's population inOne geographical scope, and the new cities in 2015 contributed to the absorption of about 4.5 million people.

He added, we can imagine how the situation will be, and the number of residents of the Greater Cairo region, in the absence of the new cities that were created until 2015, where the population density would reach in the Cairo region to 1200 - 1500 people/ acres, and it will actually be a dead city that is not in itMovement on the axes.

The Minister of Housing also talked about increasing the incentives to move to new cities, confront the challenge of the culture of transition to new cities instead of building on agricultural lands, and from these stimuli, created new job opportunities in all new cities, providing a network of mass transport, and raising the efficiency of the main road network.

As well as providing different levels of residential areas, achieving better life quality, through the presence of green and open areas, children's toys, and the use of the latest smart city applications.

«الإسكان»: افتتاح 47.8 ألف وحدة سكنية و34 مشروعًا خدميًا فى 3 مدن

Stressing that the construction that we seek in new urban societies is not only for housing, but rather opportunities to work, improve the quality of life, and provide a better life for business and housing.

On the future vision of the new cities in Greater Cairo, the minister said: From 2014 until now, 8 new cities have been added, to have 10 cities in the eastern republic, and 6 cities in the western Republic, explaining that the total investments pumped by the Ministry of Housing in new cities around Cairo (2014 - 2021, 400 billion pounds, unlike the projects implemented by the Engineering Authority.

اقرأ أيضامدينة O West تطلق فعاليات بطولة FIP Star الدولية وتستعرض الخطة السنوية لبطولات البادل

In addition to different support aspects to obtain facilitated housing, distributed as follows (180 billion pounds to develop and raise the efficiency of the cities of previous generations - 220 billion to establish and develop the cities of the fourth generation).

The Minister of Housing pointed out that the fourth generation cities contributed to improving the state of demographic distribution of the population in 7 years, and its target role in achieving the demographic balance of the population in the Greater Cairo region, where the absorption of eastern Cairo cities increased from 3.1 to 5.8 million people, at a growth rate of 190 %, and West citiesCairo from 1.3 to 2.5 million people, at a growth rate of 192 %, compared to an increase in the main block of Cairo region by 107 %.

He pointed out that what confirms the review of the situation and the follow -up to the achievement of the target, and the effectiveness of the strategy of reducing the population density, explaining that the new cities in the completion stages, to absorb the eastern Cairo scope 12 million, and the western Cairo range 5 million people, and these numbers are not a population increase,Rather, as a result of the displacement of population blocs, this is the concept of disruption of urbanization.

Stressing, we aim to control the structural and planning requirements in the Greater Cairo region, to achieve balance in population densities and demographic distribution, through the development of the areas of the existing urbanization, and the transfer of their residents to new cities, and the replacement of the areas stacked with green areas open to reduce density, road expansion and dislocation of the stacked mass.

The minister also reviewed the developmental role of the east and western Republic, as they are a transitional stage for the growth of the national plan, and the distribution of the population in a balanced demographic manner, compatible with the economic development opportunities provided by the state in national projects, indicating the general urban features of the residential neighborhoods in Giza (west of the Republic).

The total population density reached 750 people / acres, and non -residential uses reached 30 - 35 %, and the building rate reached 79 %, and the percentage of roads is 15 %, and in order to solve these problems 4 new cities were established in the direction of the west, along with the large number of axes thatIt is implemented inside the existing urbanization, and the interconnection axes with new cities.

The Minister of Housing said that the total investment in West Cairo cities in the period from 2014: 2021 amounted to 130 billion pounds, distributed as follows, 35 billion pounds, with 27 % for the cities of previous generations (4 billion pounds in the housing sector - 22 billion pounds in the bandits -3 billion pounds in the services sector - 7 billion pounds in the utility sector).

In addition to 95 billion pounds, at 73 % for the cities of the fourth generation (75 billion pounds in the housing sector - 8 billion pounds in the bandits - 3 billion pounds in the services sector - 9 billion pounds in the utility sector).

On the development of the size of the population of the cities of West Cairo, the minister added that the population of the new cities (two cities) since the establishment of the first generation in 1979 until the year 2014 (35 years), reached 1.3 million people, and the number of housing units executed (projects implemented through the state)During 35 years, 127,000 housing units amounted to 3,600 units / year.

اقرأ أيضاالسيسي يصادق على 5 قرارات أبرزها إعفاء دبلوماسي مع بولندا واتفاقية المقر مع منتدي غاز شرق المتوسط

While during the previous 7 years, the population in 4 cities (fourth generation cities) reached 1.2 million, and the number of units executed during that period reached 268 thousand housing units, at a rate of 38 thousand units / year, and this is more than 10 times the rate of production of housing units in periodsPrevious.

Stressing that the occupancy rate of cities during the last 7 years is equivalent to its occupancy rate since its inception with a total of 2.5 million people.

The Minister of Housing pointed out that the number of housing units implemented in the cities of West in the period in the period from 2014: 2021 amounted to 268 thousand residential units, at a cost of 110 billion pounds, including road costs, services and site coordination, distributed as follows:

(28.5 thousand average housing units, with a percentage of 10.5 % - 226.5 thousand housing units, all Egyptians are "social", including 85 % - 13 thousand housing units above the average, at 4.5 %), unlike being implemented in the cities of West Cairo, which number 67 thousandA residential country, at a cost of 33 billion pounds, distributed as follows:

(9 thousand housing units above the average - 3 thousand average housing units - 55 thousand housing units, all Egyptians are "social"), and this is due to the various segments of the Egyptian society.

The minister pointed out that the number of those who applied to reserve 7 thousand housing units for the average housing, which were launched 10 days ago, amounted to about 20 thousand citizens who paid the provisions of the reservation, and it is expected at the end of the announcement that they will reach 35 thousand citizens, which confirms the demand for the units that are doneImplementation.

Dr. Asim Al -Jazzar said: We open today housing projects in West Al -Qarara cities (October 6 - October - October Gardens), with a total of 47,832 housing units, and 34 service projects.

In 6th of October City, 4416 housing units opened “184 buildings” with various areas for the units 130 - 150 square meters, with the “Janna” project in northern expansion, at a cost of 2.7 billion pounds.

In the new city of Aktopir, we open 4248 housing units “177 buildings” in the Egypt housing project south of Al -Wahat Road, at a cost of 1.7 billion pounds, and the services complex (a basic education school - commercial market - nursery - a health unit - a mosque - 3 commercial units - an administrative unit),In addition to 18744 housing units, "781 buildings", in the social housing project, south of Al -Wahat Road.

The cost volume reached 6.5 billion pounds, and the services complex (a basic education school - a secondary education school - a five -year stadium - a commercial market - a mosque - a nursery - a health unit - a bread sale outlet).

The Minister of Housing added, in the city of Hadayek Akbir, we open today 9984 housing units “416 buildings” in the social housing project, at a cost of 3.6 billion pounds, and the services complex (2 health units - 2 commercial markets - 2 schools - 2 nurseries - triple stadium), and 10440A housing unit "435 buildings" in Egypt's housing project, at a cost of 4.2 billion pounds.


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