Tell me - the problem of dry eyes is common in the current era;Given the lifestyle that requires long hours sitting in front of computer screens, or using smartphones during the day.Chronic dry eye occurs when eyes cannot produce a sufficient amount of tears, and this may be the result of evaporation of tears very quickly, as it can also be due to inflammation in the eye or around it.Dryness of temporary eye occurs due to environmental factors, as a result of wearing contact lenses for a very long time, or being in a dry environment, but the cause of chronic dry eye is often a healthy condition;It can cause some diseases that include eye glands and skin diseases near the eye and allergies to develop chronic eye.Here are ways to treat dry eyes in the following topic:
Treatment of artificial eye dryness is one of the most common methods for treating dry eye is the use of an eye -to -the -counter eye drops, which are called artificial tears, and used for one month.Artificial tears moisturize the eyes;And if you have moderate symptoms of dry eye, artificial tears may be all you need.Ointments can also be used, but they tend to make the vision cloudy, as ointments are wrapping your eyes better than eye drops, but it is better to use them just before bedtime.
Home treatments for dry eye
Use a warm damp cloth, and put it over your eyes for five minutes;To reduce the symptoms of dry eye.-Cute your eyelids with cute soap, such as children's shampoo, by closing your eyes, putting soap with your fingertips, then gently massage your eyelids.Eat Omega 3 supplements, as adding supplements and foods to your diet that contains omega -3 fatty acids help relieve symptoms by reducing inflammation in your body.Use castor oil drops;Castor oil helps reduce tears evaporation, which may improve symptoms.Change lifestyle, following the following steps:
Close your eyes and open them when doing the same task for a long time, such as reading or looking at a computer 1-Wearing sunglasses with side condoms to prevent evaporation of tears.2- Close your eyes and open them a lot "flash" when doing the same task for a long time, such as reading or looking at a computer.3- Use a cold spray air moisturizer;To add moisture to the air.4- Strain the water throughout the day to stay wet.5- Avoid smoking, and try to reduce negative smoking.