Dubai Future Foundation launched the Dubai Future Opportunities report: 50 global opportunities ", which aims to highlight the most promising opportunities in various vital and future sectors during the next fifty years, and introduce decision makers in the government and private sector, thought leaders, innovators, researchers, entrepreneurs and public in the UAE And different parts of the world in the most prominent major trends that we will witness in the future, within a wide panoramic vision that deduces global trends in a way that helps decision makers to develop strategies and plans to design the future, and in a way that contributes to launching a global dialogue to determine positive transformations and build on them to serve humanity and build a better future for the peoples of the world.
The report deals with 50 global opportunities classified within five 5 main axes that include nature and sustainability, empowerment of societies, health, human relationship to technology and future innovations, while monitoring the most prominent developments and expectations within each axis and their effects on the future of humanity, as well as proposing future perceptions to address the most important global challenges.
In this regard, His Excellency Muhammad Abdullah Al -Garqawi, Vice -Chairman of the Board of Trustees and Managing Director of the Dubai Future Foundation, said that "the next fifty years will witness from the changes that exceed the achievement of the scientific, economic and social humanity since the dawn of history," noting His Excellency by saying: "These transformations will be transient For continents, peoples and societies .. No one will be immune to them and everyone will live its results, so that we touch us at the core, and enter into the heart of our work, our daily lifestyle, our lives, our decisions, and our relationship Understanding the future will be the most capable of making it and controlling its results. "
Al -Qarqawi added: "History teaches us that the human imagination has no limits to its creativity and innovations that achieve unexpected leaps in the march of human development."
His Excellency explained by saying: "Governments, institutions, companies and scientists will have a participatory and gum role in transforming future opportunities into reality."
Nature and sustainability
يستعرض التقرير 50 فرصة عالمية، تم تصنيفها في 5 محاور رئيسة تشمل Nature and sustainability، وEmpowering societies، والصحة، وعلاقة الإنسان بالتكنولوجيا، والابتكارات المستقبلية.
The nature restoration axis includes 7 opportunities focusing on employing the development of technology and biomedics in reducing the volume of plastic waste, storing harmful gases in the exhausted wild and sea oil and gas fields, modifying types of materials, trees and plants to contribute to reaching the zero carbon emissions, and preparing desert areas to increase the spaces suitable for life, Protection of the oceans, their environmental systems and their fish wealth, and relying on renewable and sustainable energy sources that are characterized by being safe, cheap and low emissions.
Empowering societies
يشكل Empowering societies المحور الثاني في التقرير، حيث يتضمن 11 فرصة عالمية تشمل دور الحكومة في تطوير التشريعات وتحقيق متطلبات الأفراد وتلبية احتياجاتهم، وضمان سلامة وخصوصية البيانات الشخصية، وإطلاق ميثاق عالمي يحدد المبادئ المتعلقة بتطبيقات الهندسة الجينية وعلوم الجينوم، ووضع إطار يحدد حقوق الروبوتات بالتكامل مع حقوق الإنسان، وتوفير الطاقة الكهربائية لكافة المجتمعات وتقليل تكلفتها، ومساعدة الدول في مواجهة تأثيرات ظاهرة التغير المناخي.
These opportunities also include employing modern technology in developing the education process, developing a joint educational system that is applied all over the world to teach future skills for hundreds of millions of students in a consistent way, as well as enhancing people's ability to live in complete independence, and enhancing levels of happiness of peoples by adopting technologies and toolsPredicting needs and aspirations, identifying talents and helping them to innovate and reach appropriate opportunities.
Health opportunities
The axis of renewal of the concept of health focuses on 7 main global opportunities represented in employing techniques to determine mental and psychological health problems, treat anxiety, reduce loneliness, use non -surgical monitoring techniques in new treatment methods to produce medicines upon request and make treatment home and more specialized, and enhance data exchange mechanisms to increase efficiency Health care, rare diseases and epidemics in the world, the use of wearable devices to collect data from individuals and sites and evaluate general mental health levels, and develop new materials to convert daily surfaces that cause infection to tools that help prevent other diseases, in addition to enhancing human cognitive capabilities and improving memory Creative functions, speeding up the application of nanotechnology in developing traditional treatment methods.
Human relationship and technology
The axis of improving systems includes 13 main opportunities that focus on providing the possibility of communication with the virtual world for all without the need for devices, moving to the concept of comprehensive and rapid manufacturing to design initial models quickly, testing, producing them directly and launching them directly in the marketSmart technologies in project management and companies to enhance governance and decision -making mechanisms, and heading towards decentralized organizational bodies characterized by flexibility, speed and forward -looking vision.
The focus will also be on the integration of software solutions to reach a variety of applications and systems quickly and safely to increase work efficiency from anywhere in the world, and to benefit from the ability to access data around the clock in enhancing environmental and social practices and corporate governance, and developing financial systems to provide new opportunities for investors and reduce Global market fluctuations, develop a new model for the production and sale of consumer goods using future technologies, cloning memory and knowledge from the human brain and storing them to serve individuals and society, settle international disputes without adherence to borders, and the possibility of integrating global stock exchanges into one market or in a very few small markets thanks to communication technologies High speed, detailed simulations for full costs, benefits and potential results of decisions in business and government.
the transfer
The last axis includes many global opportunities associated with innovation in the use of new technologies to prevent waste of food by preserving fresh foods for a longer period without the need to self -temperature regulating during shipping, relying on biomedics instead of chemical products and materials, and developing food production systems according to needAnywhere in the world without relying on the availability of land, light, energy and water, providing sustainable water resources, and developing global standard standards for the full cost and the true value of all economic activities and their social and environmental effects.
The list of opportunities also includes adopting the concept of carbon assets and encouraging to reduce harmful emissions, the transition of commercial and social activities to virtual reality, providing data for all to benefit from them in developing vital sectors, enhancing information between machines and humans, and the growing role of DNA research in preventing genetic diseases, and heading towardsReducing meat consumption through modern food production techniques, creating a global system for protecting and benefiting intellectual property rights, in addition to the possibility of a shift towards full digital trade.
10 major orientations
إلى ذلك، يرصد تقرير "فرص دبي المستقبلية: 50 فرصة عالمية" 10 major orientations ستشكل محطات رئيسية في مستقبل المجتمعات والاقتصادات العالمية، وستحدث تحولاً جذرياً في أسلوب حياتنا، وسترى فيها الحكومات والشركات والمجتمعات ومختلف الجهات قاعدة لرسم الأهداف وتحديد الرؤى سعياً إلى تحقيق النمو والرخاء والسعادة في المستقبل.
These trends include the tremendous development in biological and artificial science sciences, low data cost and focus on the quality of their analysis, increased security gaps in systems and infrastructure, the development of generation and storage technologies for electrical energy, increased investment in environmental systems management, the need to develop legislation and international dispute settlement mechanisms, and growVirtual and digital world applications, the spread of independent robots, the need to redefine human goals in light of the spread of artificial intelligence and advanced technology, and the development of innovative health and agricultural technologies.
It is worth noting that the Dubai Future Foundation has prepared this report based on the outputs of a set of research on the future of growth, prosperity and happiness with the aim of defining future opportunities in a systematic way, and studying its expected benefits and potential risks, while referring to the sectors that may affect or be affected.
This process included the analysis of more than 100 studies, report, writers and article prepared by governmental and private bodies, organizations and major media outlets, in addition to interviews and meetings online with 27 experts to ask questions about the future.
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