Monero privacy currency blocks the identities of its owners using "episode signatures", which means the difficulty of knowing who started the transaction.
جاري سيلفرمان من نيويوركProgram developers are really adept in using words.While people in other professions organize rooms or associations, software developers join "societies" - a name that is called loose organized groups that collaborate in open source programs that make our technological society to be active..It is difficult to overcome the marketing language, there are a few warmer and ambiguous names in the English language.Think about societies and good things that come to mind, families are walking in the garden, children in the local school collect money for charitable work, and friends help some of them after a storm.But some developers are less friendly than others, and we can use new words for them.An example of this comes from the world of blockchain, where there are communities that work today to thwart the enforcement of the laws of anti -money launder.The threat posed by privacy currencies can be extracted from the fine details of a federal criminal complaint that was raised this month, which accuses a couple who live in New York of washing returns from a hacking event in August 2016 for the Pitfinx Stock Exchange from which they collected Bitcoin with a value of 4.5 billion dollars at a time when the government acted.Among the methods that they used was to convert some bitcoin into a "virtual currency enhanced by hiding identity", as mentioned in the file, and the most prominent example of this is the privacy currency called Monero.Elijah Lestenstein's lawyers and Muurgan described the evidence against them as weak.But the issue is constructed as a victory for the application of the law, and this is true, to some extent.They showed their arrest and confiscated 3.6 billion dollars of Bitcoin, which is claimed to be under their control..Just as the FBI security against the thieves such as John Delinger in the last century, high -tech crime warriors have made progress in protecting encrypted currency platforms from computer pirates today.The authorities have benefited from the fact that blockchain chains are general.They can track the stolen bitcoin because they did not lose sight of it, the returns moved from the penetration to the 1cga4s portfolio and most of them remained there.The difficult part was to link the looting with the alleged perpetrators.By reading the complaint, Tom Robinson, the chief scientist in "Ilpentic", a Blockchain Analysis Company, said he believed that progress in the case occurred in 2017 when US officials closed a site on a dark network called "Alpha Bay".He said, "It was necessary to follow the stolen bitcoin currencies through alpha -Bay in order to link these funds to the two people who claim to wash the money.".However, stopping the hackers is not like preventing criminals of the traditional type from using encrypted currencies to transfer their money across the national borders or move them to hide their assets.The importance of the "Pitfinix" case in that battle is not confirmed because of what appears to be Monero used by those accused of alleged washing, which obscures the identities of its owners using the "signatures of the episode", which means that multiple parties involved in signing a deal that is difficult to know which one has started.Based on government documents, Robinson doubts that the authorities did not track the privacy currency.Whether it is unable to break the encryption of the Monero community or does not need to do so, Robinson believes that the result can increase the attractiveness of the cryptocurrency of bad ends.He said, "This may push the money and criminals to use Monero to a greater extent - the possibility of tracking the Bitcoin coin in this case and this will push them to use Monero instead.We have to accept the lack of digital money that cannot be tracked.The question is how we deal with that..I would like to suggest that before spending more taxpayer money on another investigation of money laundering that includes privacy currencies - and I bet that Pitfinix bankruptcy was not cheap - one of the congressional committees or anyone in the government's executive branch must summon representatives of the Monero community to discuss matters.A little dialogue may achieve a lot.There are reasons for worrying about the protection of personal privacy on public blockchain chains, and based on their writings, the members of the Monero community are good..They say on their website that "the advanced encryption of Monero disturbs every level of treatment", to enable people in "authoritarian states or stagnant economies" and protect "consumers and companies from manipulating prices, exploiting supply chains, economic discrimination, or the like..At the same time, representatives of the elected government must explain that even software developers bears responsibilities towards the broader society.Money laundering is the way in which big criminals escape with their illegal gains.Abandoning the fighting against this matter would give victory to hidden government officials, terrorists, blacknails, and drug dealers.