• English

Means of communication and community power

Today, the world is witnessing a qualitative boom in the field of technology that contributed greatly to enhancing human competencies and capabilities and transferring them to an advanced stage in updating and developing capabilities and expanding the mental perceptions of individuals due to the volume of information available on the Internet from the total data that major storage companies retains through the Internet Google, Amazon andMicrosoft and Facebook.Cokele reports indicate that 5 billion search operations per day, and we can imagine what the huge amount of information has changed from a change in social engineering and a change in the conceptual construction of the individual.

And digital technology in the field of education and skills is increasingly entering, technology has become gradually used to deliver education, knowledge and skills in innovative and new ways, and given the increasing use of fast digital technology in the workplace, needs of new skills have emerged as development contributed to converting learning and developing skills into a process that lasts for lifelong.Indeed, people must at the present time to communicate and even develop their skills and digital education to keep pace with the new developments and innovations in the digital world.

Having digital skills is a positive case for daily activities, for example, reserving a doctor’s date or requesting a banking service, but this concerns digital activists and does not necessarily express all society because they are not all digital citizens.

First- the search problem

Previous research studies on the means of communication and the extent of their impact on contemporary societies indicate that social media sites and programs are of great importance, as their fame has become wide, and there is a lot of dealing with them among people;Where they communicate through these sites to get to know each other and know each other's news, send messages and receive news and topics and all that is new in the arena, and that there are no clear indicators to evaluate and manage the dangers of the modern information revolution, and thus the researcher raised a number of questions that can be answered in the body of the search from them:

1- What is the digital communication?And the extent of its impact on (family, society and the state together)?

2- What is the digital citizen?How to strengthen it?

Second- the importance of the study

The greatest impact of the means of communication was in the field of knowledge, as knowledge and information became more prevalent and influential, and any information from the globe can be transferred within seconds, or minutes at the latest, and because of the widespread spread of the Internet, it is possible to receive the lessons and educational lecturesAnd learn any skill without the student of knowledge for the pushing of the exorbitant amounts for this end and it is possible to join the college and university institutes without the student forced to go on a daily or almost daily on a daily basis.

Third- study structure

The study is divided from six multiple axes as well as an introduction and a conclusion, starting from the first axis (theoretical framework for the means of communication and the strength of society), while the second axis (the effect of digital technology on society), and the third axis included (the positive and negative effects of technology on society), and the fourth axis so it is pregnantThe title (the role of digital technology in developing human skills).As for the fifth axis, it includes (the influence of digital technology on political and social awareness).As for the sixth axis, it was (the impact of digital technology in accepting change by adopting new ideas)

The first topic: The theoretical framework for means of communication and the strength of society

Communication is very important in the development and growth of society, and it is considered as the cornerstone that contributed to the transmission of humans from one development stage to another since their presence on the surface of the earth and to this day;This is due to human awareness of the importance of the communication process among themselves and the formation of social ties.On this axis, we will address three paragraphs:

The first axis: the conceptual rooting of digital communication

First/ The concept of the emergence of social media and its types:

ويُعرف الاتصال على أنه عملية يتم من خلالها إيصال معلومات أيا كان نوعها وشكلها من أي عضو من أعضاء الوحدة الإدارية الواحدة إلى أي عضو آخر يُقصد به التغيير. أما كولي فيعرفه على أنه ذلك الميكانيزم الذي يتم من خلاله بناء علاقة إنسانية تنمو وتطور الرموز العقلية والفكرية بواسطة وسائل نشر هذه الرموز عبر المكان واستمرارها عبر الزمان، وتتضمن هذه الرموز تغييرات الوجه والإيحاءات ونبرات الصوت والكلمات([2]).

أما مفهوم الاتصال الرقمي يطلق مُصطلح الثورة الرقمية على العصر الحالي وذلك بعد أن تم الاندماج بين تكنولوجيا المعلوماتيات والاتصال، وتعني كلمة رقمي من الناحية التقنية أن الحروف والصور والأصوات يتم تحويلها إلى بيانات رقمية: آحاد وأصفار، ويمكن تخزينها ومعالجتها وإرسالها بواسطة أجهزة الحاسوب([3]).أما “كونتز”فقد عرف “فنّ الاتصال” على أنه إرسال وتحويل للمعلومات من المرسل إلى المستقبل مع ضرورة فهم المعلومات من قبل المستقبل ( المستلم)([4]).

بدأت وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي مع بدء ظهور الهاتف منذ عام 1950م، حيث ظهرت مجموعة (phone phreak)، والتي استغلت نظام الهاتف وكيفية التسلل إليه، وبسبب ارتفاع تكلفة إجراء مكالمة هاتفية، قاموا باختراق خطوط الهاتف لإجراء وعقد المجموعات الافتراضية, وفيفترة السبعينيات والثمانينيات ظهر شكل جديد من وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي في السبعينات، وأطلق عليه (BBS) أو “نظام لوحة الإعلانات” بالإنجليزية ( bulletin board system)، ومنذ بداية ظهورها كانت عبارة عن خوادم صغيرة تعمل بالطاقة عبر جهاز حاسوب شخصي متصل بمودم هاتف، واعتُبر عملها شبيهاً بعمل المدوّنات والمنتديات حاليّاً، حيث تُمكّن المستخدمين من ال في المناقشات، والألعاب عبر الإنترنت، وتحميل الملفات وتنزيلها، وبما أنّ الحاسوب كان حجمه كبيراً ومكلفاً وبطيئاً وغير فعال، أدى ذلك إلى التقليل من عدد المستخدمين الذين شاركوا في هذا النظام, ومن الجدير بالذكر أنه في أوائل السبعينات ظهرت برامج البريد الإلكتروني والدردشة، بينما لم يظهر أي برامج غيرها، وتم إنشاء نظام اليوزنت “نظام المستخدمين” (بالإنجليزية:USENET) عام 1979م، وهو نظام أُستخدم للمراسلة بين جامعتي ديوك (بالإنجليزية: Duke University) ونورث كارولينا (بالإنجليزية: University of North Carolina)، ومن ثم تم استخدامها من قبل الجامعات والوكالات الحكومية الأخرى، وقد سمح موقع اليوزنت للمستخدمين بنشر وتلقي الرسائل داخل مجموعات أُطلق عليها اسم “مجموعة الأخبار” (بالإنجليزية: newsgroups)، وقد نمت هذه المجموعات خلال فترة الثمانينات، ولم تكن هناك أي اتفاقية معيارية لتسمية هذه المجموعات، مما سبب ارتباكاً لأن عددها ارتفع، وفي عام 1987م، نفذ العديد من مطوري اليوسنت تغييرات في هذه المجموعات ليحولوها إلى تسلسلات هرمية واسعة لتشمل الأخبار، والأحاديث، والمنوعات المختلفة([5]).

أما فترة التسعينيات أصبحت وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي أكثر انتشاراً ، أي عند ظهور شبكة الويب العالمية، وانتشارها بين الجماهير، ومن أول المحاولات لانخراط المواقع في الثقافات المنتشرة هي موقع (Compuserve) وموقع (Prodigy)، ولكنها كانت بطيئة ومكلفة، ومن ثم مع انتشار الإنترنت وتوافر الخدمات الإلكترونية بدأ انتشار أنظمة الدردشة بين المستخدمين مثل نظام (AOL)، وبعدها ظهر موقع (Napster)، الذي ساهم في تسهيل تبادل المعلومات والموسيقى المجانية عبر الإنترنت، وأصبح هذا الموقع المصدر الرئيسي لتوزيع وسائل الإعلام. تم إطلاق متصفح موزايك ويب بالإنجليزية (Mosaic Web) عام 1993م، وتم دمج نظام هذا المتصفح مع واجهة جرافيكية بالإنجليزية (graphical interface) التي تسهل الاستخدام بشكل كبير، ومن ثم ساعدت بنية شبكة الويب العالمية بالإنجليزية (World Wide Web) في التنقل من موقع إلى آخر بنقرة واحدة، حيث ساعدت السرعة الكبيرة للإنترنت على الوصول إلى محتوى الوسائط المتعددة. تم تأسيس أول الشبكات الاجتماعية التي تعتمد على تقنية الويب وهي موقع كلاسميت (Classmates.com)، وموقع سيكس ديجريز (SixDegrees.com)، حيث أقامت شركة كلاسميت منذ تأسيسها عام 1995م حملةً إعلانيةً لجذب متصفحي الويب إلى مواقعها، واستند مفهوم شبكتها على العلاقة القائمة ما بين أعضاء المدرسة الثانوية وخريجي الجامعات وأماكن العمل وفروع القوات المسلحة، بينما أنشأت شركة سيكس ديجريز أول موقع تواصل اجتماعي حقيقي عام 1997م، حيث شمل هذا الموقع العديد من الميزات مثل تمكين الأعضاء من إنشاء ملف تعريف شخصي، وإنشاء قائمة الأصدقاء والاتصال بهم من خلال الرسائل وتمكّن هذا الموقع من جذب ثلاثة ملايين مستخدم بحلول عام 2000م ولكن الإيرادات لم تكن عالية وانهار([6]).

أما في القرن الواحد والعشرين تم إنشاء موقع فريندستر (بالإنجليزية:Friendster) عام 2002م، ويهدف هذا الموقع للتنافس مع خدمات المواعدة الشهيرة القائمة على رسوم الاشتراك مثل موقع ماتش (بالإنجليزية:Match.com). وتم إطلاق موقع فيسبوك (Facebook) والذي استولى على صيغة عمل موقع كلاسميت، واعتبر موقع فيسبوك منذ إطلاقه عام 2004م شبكة مفتوحة لجميع طلاب الجامعات والمدارس الثانوية بديلاً عن موقع (MySpace) مع ملايين المستخدمين. ومن ثم تم إنشاء موقع (MySpace) في عام 2003م، وركز هذا الموقع على الفئة الشابة، وأصبح مكاناً للتواصل بين فنّاني الروك والمعجبين، وامتلك هذا الموقع بنية داعمة لها لمساعدته على النمو، مما ساعد في انضمام ملايين المتصفحين إليه، ولكن في عام 2005م، قامت شركة نيوز كوربشن (News Corporation Ltd) بشراء موقع (MySpace)، وبسبب انتشار هذا الموقع بدأت السلطات القانوينة بالتدقيق إزاء التفاعلات غير السليمة ما بين البالغين والقاصرين([7]).

أنواع وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي كثيره منها([8]):

1- Twitter, which is the most famous globally, and by the way, it is a brief definition of Twitter (Twitter) Twitter is a social network of no less important than Facebook and is considered the biggest competitor for it. The foundations of the year ۲۰۰5 AD when the American company Obvious has conducted a developmental research to the price of blogging, and allows itFor mowers send short text messages that do not exceed (140) letters of one message.

2- Facebook: Facebook: It is the most famous, established in the year ۲۰۰4 AD by “Mark Zuckerberg” (

4- WhatsApp, is an immediate, monopolized, and multiple platform application for smartphones, and in addition to the basic messages for users, send images, voice messages, video and media.It was established in the year ۲۰۰۹ AD by the American (Acton Bayan) and Ukrainian (Jean Com), and Facebook bought WhatsApp on February 19 of the year 1 AD $ 14 billion.

5- Instagram is a free application for image exchange, and a social network also, launched in October in October ۲۰۱۰ AD, allows users to take a photo, add a digital filter to it, and then share it in a variety of social networking services, and the Instagram itself and the twelfth ofApril of the year ۲۰۱۲ AD, Facebook acquired a deal of one billion dollars in cash.

6- YouTube: He founded on 14 February, an elderly February ۲۰۰۵ m, three former employees from Pay Pal: Chad Hurley, Steve Che, and answers Karam in California, and uses Adobe Flash technology to display the moving clips, and the content of the site varies betweenFilm clips, television, music, and video produced.It is currently equipped with 17 employees.

Second - Digital Citizenship is its concept and its origin:

وتعرف كذلك بأنها: مجموع القواعد والضوابط والمعايير والأعراف والأفكار والمبادئ المتبعة في الاستخدام الأمثل والقويم للتكنولوجيا، والتي يحتاجها المواطنون صغارا وكبارا من أجل المساهمة في رقي الوطن. المواطنة الرقمية باختصار هي توجيه وحماية، توجيه نحو منافع التقنيات الحديثة، وحماية من أخطارها. أو باختصار أكبر هي التعامل الذكي مع التكنولوجيا.([10])

أما المواطن الرقمي ذلك الانسان الذي ولد خلال نشأة التكنولوجيا أو بعدها وتفاعل مع التكنولوجيا الرقمية منذ سن مبكرة ولديه قدر كبير من الإلمام بهذه المفاهيم فهذا المصطلح يركز على الأشخاص الذين نشئوا مع التكنولوجيا التي انتشرت في الجزء الأخير من القرن العشرين واستمرت بالتطور حتى يومنا هذا، فهو ذلك الشخص الذي يفهم قيمة التكنولوجيا الرقمية ويستخدمها للبحث والسعي لإيجاد فرص ينفذها ويكون لها تأثير([11]).

ويعرف المواطن الرقمي بأنه المواطن الذي يستخدم الانترنيت بشكل منتظم وفعال مصطلحات الشخص الرقمي أو الإنسان الرقمي أصبحت ديكورا يميز الكتابات الحديثة التي تتناول تعامل الأفراد في مجتمع الثورة الإلكترونية أو الرقمية أو ما يسمى أحيانا بالوطن الرقمي، فإذا كان مصطلح المواطن الرقمي يشير إلى المستخدمين لتكنولوجيا المعلومات، فإن الوطن الرقمي يشير إلى التأثير الكبير الذي أحدثته تكنولوجيا المعلومات على الحياة البشرية، فهي لم تدع أي مجال إلا اقتحمته وبسطت نفوذها وسيطرتها عليه، فأنتجت ما يسمى بـالإنسان الرقمي الذي تتمحور حياته كلها حول تكنولوجيا المعلومات([12]).

ومما تقدم يمكن تعريف للمواطنة الرقمية بأنها: الانتماء الى مجتمع افتراضي بما يضمن ذلك من حقوق الأفراد وواجبات ومسؤوليات تقع عليهم تجاه هذا المجتمع، وال الفاعلة فيه. وتتكون المواطنة الرقمية من عدة عناصر وهي([13]):

1- Consciousness of the digital world and its components

2- Owning the skills necessary for information and communication technology

3- Political, economic and warming in the digital environment.

4- Follow the ethical rules that indicate the behavior responsible on the Internet

5- Respecting the individual's digital rights and the responsibilities and obligations they meet.

عرف مصطلح المواطنة في اليونان القديمة عندما كانت الولايات المستقلة بها تحكم من خلال المواطنين أنفسهم فالحكم الذاتي كان حقاً تكفله الدولة لكافة المواطنين، وشهدت المواطنة اهتماما كبيراً في روما القديمة خاصة عندما تم توسيع حدود الإمبراطورية وظهور الحاجة للاستعانة بالمواطنين في إدارة المناطق الجديدة كما كان لثورات الفرنسية والامريكية دور ملحوظ في نشر فكرة المواطنة بالدول المستعمرة في خلال فترة التسعينات ومع التأكيد في كافة المحافل القومية والدولية على مبادئ الديمقراطية والحرية والمساواة، أضحت المواطنة من أكثر الموضوعات التي تحظى باهتمام عالمي ومع نهاية الألفية الثانية بدأت المجتمعات في التحول نحو العصر الرقمي، وما تميز به من تطور مذهل في تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات التي أثرت عمى مختلف نواحي الحياة، وان تحول المواطن العادي إلى مواطن رقمي قد بدأ في القرن الحادي والعشرين عندما اتجه مفهوم المواطنة نحو العالمية وذلك مع انتشار مفهوم القرية العالمية([14]).

ومن خلال ذلك ويمكن ايجاز المراحل التي مهدت لظهور مفهوم المواطنة الرقمية باختصار فيما يلي([15])

1- The term digital citizenship is not new, and the growing role of this term in all societies since the era of ancient Greek, Romanian and American and French societies, as the citizen in all these societies and revolutions had a prominent role in governance and administration and the conduct of matters to the country, and during the nineties and with the increaseThe international emphasis on the importance of the principles of democracy, freedom and equality has become digital citizenship one of the most important topics of global attention.

2- With the end of the second millennium, societies began to transform the digital age, and the amazing development that distinguished it in information and communications technology, resulted in accelerating progress in computer science, Internet networks, email, cellular phones, satellites and other digital technology applications that affected various areas of life It changed the methods of doing business and social relations between individuals and societies, and it has become a weapon that uses technically and economically advanced nations in changing social, economic and cultural contexts. It has led to the imposition of new demands on students and teachers alike, despite the acquisition of basic skills in reading and writing is still a degree It is important, but the student must master a number of new skills so that he can become a successful global citizen, the most important of which is the skills of dealing with technology and obtaining information

3- There were initiatives for the countries of the world through which they tried to support and develop the infrastructure of technology and introduce them in various fields and restructure education and training institutions in order to develop the capabilities of citizens in using information and communications technology in completing business and communicating with others and free expression of their opinions and proposals

Thus, information and communications technology contributed to finding a digital world other than the methods of work and dealings in societies, and citizens have lived, working and dealing not only in the natural world, but also in a default, digital high, without barriers, which gave citizenship with a new pharaoh with me (digital citizenship) as it became global inIts nature, and its essence is to help citizens understand how digital technology helps them to become international citizens, and this paved the way for the emergence of the term digital citizenship.

يمكن اعتبار المواطن الرقمي ذلك الانسان الذي ولد خلال نشأة التكنولوجيا أو بعدها وتفاعل مع التكنولوجيا الرقمية منذ سن مبكرة ولديه قدر كبير من الإلمام بهذه المفاهيم فهذا المصطلح يركز على الأشخاص الذين نشئوا مع التكنولوجيا التي انتشرت في الجزء الأخير من القرن العشرين واستمرت بالتطور حتى يومنا هذا، فهو ذلك الشخص الذي يفهم قيمة التكنولوجيا الرقمية ويستخدمها للبحث والسعي لإيجاد فرص ينفذها ويكون لها تأثير. أما الوطن الرقمي يشير إلى التأثير الكبير الذي أحدثته تكنولوجيا المعلومات على الحياة البشرية، فهي لم تدع أي مجال إلا اقتحمته وبسطت نفوذها وسيطرتها عليه، فأنتجت ما يسمى بـالإنسان الرقمي الذي تتمحور حياته كلها حول تكنولوجيا المعلومات([16]).

ولكي يطلق عليك صفة المواطن الرقمي ينبغي عليه أن يكون متمكن من مجموعة من المهارات ليستحق هذا القب ومن اهم هذه المهارات او الخصائص هي([17])

1- A confident and able user of information and communication technology.

2- It uses technologies for generalized, cultural and economic activities

3- It uses and develops the skills of critical thinking in cyberspace.

4- Paints reading, writing, language of symbols, texts and digital technologies and employed them efficiently in the electronic space.

5- Boom in challenges in information and communication technology environments, and that it is able to manage them effectively

6- It uses information and communications technology to communicate with others in positive ways

7- Honesty, integrity and moral behavior appear in the use of information and communications technology.

8- It is wested the concepts of privacy and freedom of expression in the digital world.

9- It contributes and enhances the activity of digital citizenship values.

The second axis: the effect of the technology on the community

كان للناس في القديم عادات وتقاليد لا يستطيع اي شخص تجاوزها, بسبب احكام هذه العادات والتقاليد على شتى شؤون الحياة, لكن مع تطور التكنولوجيا الرقمية في بداية التسعينات غزت المجتمعات ثقافات شتى من كل الاتجاهات فكثرت الفضائيات ودخلت الانترنت في كل بيت واصبح الفرد يتنقل من منطقة لأخرى في العالم وهو في بيته وقد أنتج هذا المد الجارف للتكنولوجيات نوعين متضاربين من المواقف، حسب “ريمي ريفيلان” الباحث الفرنسي المتخصص في المجتمعات([18]).

The enthusiasts who construct the super capabilities provided by the Internet, for unlimited quantities of data and information, the power of communication and relationships between the sacrifices of the web, as well as the great diversity of possible new uses.

In contrast, we find a different position on technologies characterized by a kind of anxiety due to the power that began to exercise on people's lives and social ties, and the changes that appear on relationships due to excessive use of their tools, and because of the various forms of addiction to them as well as the risks that the emerging is exposed to The implications and influences provided by the different sites, and the supervision and ease of life, and from the ease of detection, and some of the owners of this position call for the struggle against the control of technologies, digital ones in particular, on the lives of people because they threaten human relations because of the forms of individualism that It produces it, and they call for "the freedom from digital dazzle that is promoted by emerging in a kind of voluntary slavery and alienation, and the effect it exerts on values, behaviors and relationships.

However, there are other positions as much as it emphasizes the great importance of digital technologies, at the same time, at the same time, to consciously consciousness of its negative repercussions on work, human relations and behaviors.

وإن لهذه التكنولوجيات الجديدة والأدوات الرقمية)الأنترنت، الحواسيب، الهواتف الذكية، شبكات مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي،… إلخ(تداعيات واضحة على حياة الناس اليومية، حيث تقوم بتغيير جل الممارسات وطرق التعامل والتبادل وشراء وبيع البضائع مباشرة وتتيح الحصول على المعلومات والمصادر المعرفة )المعاجم، الموسوعات، دراسات، وكتب ( والوصول إلى معطيات تهم الصحة والنقل، وغيرها، يمكنها أن تغير، جذريا، أنماط تنظيم وتدبير الشغل وأدوات الترفيه والتسلية([19]).

وبقدر ما تؤثر هذه الثورة الرقمية في مستويات تدبير شؤون الدولة والإدارة والشغل والاقتصاد فإنها تؤدي إلى خلخلة أشكال التواصل، والروابط الاجتماعية لدرجة يذهب فيها البعض إلى أننا نشهد بروز “إنسانية رقمية” وهو ما قد يستدعي إعادة النظر في الممارسات البيداغوجية، لاسيما التربية على القيم وأنماط التواصل، والسعي لفهم أفضل لتأثيرات التكنولوجيات الرقمية على القيم المرتبطة بالعمل والهوية واحترام الآخر والتسامح والرابط الاجتماعي والحرية والمساواة والعدالة([20]).

That is, we are facing a transformation from the system of traditional societies to the system of digital societies, and the spread of their virtual spaces, as many negative and positive phenomena began to be formed. In the world digital, but these negatives vary greatly between developed and civilized societies and traditional societies, especially in developing countries, as developed societies contained the digital world within their social system and invested the best investment with disciplinary and in accordance with the foundations and laws studied within their social system, which was reflected in the many aspects that complement the daily life, whether living or Educational, political, economic, or security, and the service of development and development projects, and others, as well as the major, industrial and service companies invested in marketing and promoting their products to provide individuals all over the world to generate billions of dollars annually on them as well To visit the tourist places and the means of movement to fit this with the individual capabilities of the person

فنحن امام تغيير كبير للمجتمعات التقليدية وللحياة الاجتماعية النمطية التقليدية بعد ان تداخل العالم الرقمي في الواقع الحياتي والمعيشي ولا بد من ايجاد وسائل لتحد من الاخطار والمهددات لضمان تحقيق الامن والاستقرار ابتداء من الاسرة والمدرسة والمجتمع والجامعة ففي عصر التكنولوجيا الرقمية واصبحت المجتمعات تقوم على المعلومات واصبح كثير من المجتمعات مبرمجة واستهلاكية واستعراضية واعلامية فهناك سيطرة للعلم والتكنولوجيا الرقمية فهو مجتمع الحداثة والتمدن الحضاري ومبني على الافكار التنويرية لبناء مجتمع يقوم على العلم والمعرفة كروح للمستقبل([21]).

The third axis: the positive and negative effects of technology on society

أثر التكنولوجيا على المجتمع : صاحَبَ استخدام التّكنولوجيا تأثيراتٌ كثيرةٌ على المجتمع بكافة أفراده وفئاته، ولا شكّ أنّ التّأثيرات هذه تنقسمُ ما بين تأثيراتٍ إيجابيةٍ وسلبيّة حيثُ يرجعُ أثرها للكيفية التي يستخدمها بها الفرد ، وسنحاول ايضاحها وفق([22]):

Positive effects:

1- Facilitating and facilitating the daily life of individuals;The individual can accomplish many works in a little time and effort and very quickly.

2- Many of the actions of individuals, their movements, their faces, financial and governmental dealings, their education, research and follow-up of news, events, and a lot of details of the technology that they facilitated to do, were associated with, in a way that they would not have done if the technology did not exist for them.

3- Peoples and shortening distances between them;It helped technology make the world look like a small village, so people get to know people without the need for the travel, so they form relations and friendships from around the world

4- Developing the culture of individuals and expanding their perceptions, and keeping them followers of all world events without any excuses between them and other societies.

5- Developing the capabilities of individuals by providing all means of learning;Language learning, for example, learning design programs.

6- Opinions and views of view;By providing technology for community communication;Which contributed greatly to identifying the opinions and theories of the other party, and their way of thinking and dealing with them, so that their experience, knowledge and the way they deal with problems increases.

7- Developing aspects of economics, medicine and education;Which positively affects society and its structure.

Second - negative effects: the negative effect of technology on society:

1- Reducing actual communication between individuals;Where the phone calls were resolved and the text messages are close to the actual communication, which led to a fundamental change in the concept of interconnection and family cohesion based on help and assistance.

2- The spread of books, newspapers and digital magazines, and replaced by the traditional means;Which affected the methods of expressing and writing.

3- Increasing the requirements of life that the individual must provide and acquire;Which costs individuals new bearing to provide these possibilities, it was not previously the family's acquisition of television and technological tools for household businesses, that no family could have the possibility of the absence of these devices.

4- Increasing the request to electric power sources;Where most technology tools only work with electric power;Which entered societies in modern patterns of consumption.

5- The spread of technology led to the provision of materials that display violence among individuals in societies, whether they are series or electronic games directed to adults and children, and young people are greatly affected by these games and cartoon series that display violence in a direct or indirect manner;Which affects their behaviors.

6- Individuals away from society;Which desires them to is isolated from their society.

7- Online addiction;Where the number of Internet users increases day by day, and many of them reach the addiction stage to use it;They caused them a lot of family, health and societal problems.

8- Facilitating the way for those who want to practice wrong behaviors such as drug addiction;Where you isolate them from people and make them in a state of escape from the real reality, and create a virtual reality for them;Which increases the life of the individual complicated and signed in countless problems.

Fourth axis: the role of digital technology in developing human skills

أصبح معيار التقدم والرفاه لأي دولة من دول العالم يحكمها مدى قدرة الدولة على مواكبة التطور التكنولوجي والإداري والتنظيمي في مختلف مجالاته وتطبيقاته، من خلال تحويل العمل الإداري من إدارة تقليدية إلى إدارة باستخدام الحاسوب، إذ تعد التكنولوجيا الرقمية من مسلمات تحقيق التنمية الإدارية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية وحتى الثقافية، ولاسيما تنمية المهارات البشرية لتكون أكثر كفاءة ومعرفة وقدرة والتزام على إداء المهام المطلوبة، ففي ظل التغييرات والتحديات التي تواجه المؤسسات عمومية كانت أم خاصة من تقدم علمي وتطور تقني، فرض عليها تبني أساليب أكثر حداثة وفعالية في أنشطة إدارة الموارد البشرية المختلفة([23])

أهمية تبني التقنية الرقمية في تطوير وتنمية المهارات البشرية([24]) :

1- Improving work productivity: Although improving productivity was a reason for the emergence and development of digital technology systems in business organizations, and at the same time reflects a concrete benefit resulting from the application of digital technology effectively, through the improvement of digital technology in productivity as a final outcome of a set of fromPositive factors in which the application of digital systems contributes to important vital areas.

2- Providing work time: The application of digital technology in business and administrative activities is effectively leading to achieve tangible and quantitative measurement at work time, as a result of the adoption of business organizations for modern methods and technologies

3- The development and development of the functional cod for human resources: There are many advantages and benefits achieved by digital technology in institutions, which is called the name “added value”, the facilities provided by modern technology) digital (contributed to the development and development of the capabilities and skills of workers in multiple areas, especially in increasingThe ability to access the information required at the right speed and increase the ability of effective communication with presidents and subordinates

4- Improving the level of performance and the quality of decisions: From the advantages and advantages of digital technology facilitate communications between people inside and outside the organization, through modern mating between automatic computers and communications technology, which resulted in the emergence of new technologies that contributed to increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of communications, such as audio mail and electronic exchange of data and fax Millie inAchieving the goals of the institution.

اما ايجابيات استخدام التقنية الرقمية فيللموارد البشرية([25]):

وسائل الاتصال وقوة المجتمع

Digital training seeks to provide many interactive advantages and the possibility of training and training at the appropriate times for the trainee, in addition to that, digital training helps companies reduce the expenses of training, and the good exploitation of the budgets designated for training in developing competencies and the benefits of digital technology can be summarized in the following:

1- Reducing the cost of training and raising the efficiency of the trainees.

2_ Digital training creates an interactive relationship between the trainee and the trainer.

3- The trainee can reach the training bag anytime and anywhere.

4- Encourage the trainees to browse the Internet by using terrorist links to access additional information on the subject of the lesson.

5- It develops the ability of the trainee to use a computer and benefit from the Internet, which helps him in his future profession.

6- The trainee is encouraged to rely on himself and reach the stage of self-building, to increase the confidence of the trainee in himself.

7- The trainers are allowed to keep the trainees' records and return to them at any time and from anywhere.

8- Time, curriculum and exercises depend on the level and skills of the trainee and not on the group rate.

The negatives of using digital technology in human resources:

There is no doubt that any program is not without negatives and the negatives of digital training the following:

  1. افتقارالمتدرب إيجابيات في تبادل الآراء والأفكار مع المتدرب من ناحية

And with the group on the other hand.

  1. الصعوبة التي يشعر بها بعض المتدربين عند الرغبة في التواصل المباشر مع المدربين، وتظهر عملية التواصل والتخاطب عندما يقوم المدربون بتحديد الواجبات والمهام للمتدربين.
  2. الصعوبة التي تواجه بعض المتدربين في إيصال أفكارهم في المقرر الدراسيالالكتروني.
  3. تلاشي وإضعاف دور المدرب )الإنسان( كمؤثر تربوي وتعليمي مهم.
  4. عدم الاستفادة من التغذية الراجعة لصعوبة استرجاع الدروس مع المتدربين لمعرفة مدى استيعابهم وذلك لصعوبة وندرة الاتصال المباشر بين المدرب والمتدرب.
  5. التدريب الالكتروني لا يعلم المتدرب الإحساس بشعور الآخرين، واللطف والبشاشة وحسن التعامل مع الآخرين ولا يعلم المتدرب الإحساس بالمسؤولية.
  6. صعوبة تطبيق بعض الممارسات والمهارات المرغوب في تعلمها في بعض البرامج التدريبية، وبالتالي فإن البرامج المهنية والعلمية تحتاج أحيانا إلى أن يغادر المتدرب سكنه أو مقر عمله ويتوجه إلى مركز المؤسسة حتى يسهل التدريب على تعلم المهارة المرغوب تعلمها.
  7. صعوبة السيطرة على إجراءات إدارة الامتحانات أو التأكد من مصداقيتها وصعوبة تقييم المتدربين.

Fifth Axis: The Impact of Digital Technology on Political and Social Awareness

Researchers and sociologists believe that technology affects the political environment in positive and negative ways in addition to their views on the personal impact of various digital technologies on individuals, whether adults or young. The public is divided on how the Internet generally affects politics in our societies, between supporters and opponents, and this is due to the beneficiary of these technological services, which it makes according to its desire and goals. Recent studies indicate that the use of the growing Internet had a good impact on the political environment by spreading awareness and working with citizens and those who represent them more comfortable and without a restriction. Through this we will address

First - the effect of the digital world on social awareness:

Contemporary developments of digital media provided intellectual and material tools that can be used to help in a more effective and varied communication in information (demand information), as the physiological model for the information community sees that the whole society changes mainly under the influence of digital use in daily communication and this is reflected in daily transactions and has become part ofOur life. The American sociologist Daniel Bell indicated in his post -industrial society book to this change and the emergence of a different and new social system in intellectual capabilities. It has different advantages in the response. One of the most prominent characteristics of this digital society is:

So how can we measure the effect of digital technology on the social awareness of individuals?To answer this question, it is by knowing the most important characteristics provided by digital technology by its new means:

فالإعلام الرقمي في عالمنا المعاصر هو سلاح ذو حدين فمن جانب اصبح اداة لتنظيم وإدامة وتغيير العلاقات الاجتماعية ومظهر من مظاهر وأنماط السلوك فضلا عن تحوله في بعض الاحيان الى اداة للهيمنة في مجال الثقافة التي تنتج من هذه التكنولوجيا كونها ثقافة شاملة ومختصرة وسطحية تعود الافراد على انماط محددة للتفكير والسلوك المهيمن وبالتالي توفر ادوات قوية للرقابة الاجتماعية، ومع ذلك فهي تخضع لطبيعة استخدام الفرد لهذه التقنية وكيفية توظيف المعلومات بما يتناسب وطبيعة احتياجاته([26]).

Second - The effect of digital technology on political awareness:

The concept of political awareness refers to the citizen's knowledge of his political rights and meals and the political events and events around him and are formed through the perception of the individual himself and those of others around him.

It can also be defined as a set of values, attitudes and basic principles that allow the individual to share an action in the conditions of his society that analyzes it and judge it and determines its position on it.

Political awareness enhances democracy in the individual's view and his vision of the issues of his country, as well as his vision of the circumstances that affect society, that political awareness is the practical application of democracy.

The absence of political awareness in society is one of the negative dangers of society, as its absence by losing the clear vision of the maturity of society politically and culturally and makes the values of life collapses and loses its balance.

With the emergence of digital technology through its multiple levels, we see that it directly affected the political awareness of societies through:

لاقت وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي اهتماما كبيرا من قبل الشباب حيث اتاحت لهم المجال للتعبير عن نفسهم وال بمشاعرهم وافكارهم مع الاخرين ، ونظرا لارتباط قطاع كبير من الشباب بتلك الوسائل التقنية بات تأثيرها على النواحي السياسية والاجتماعية يتصدر احداث الساعة ، حيث تسهم هذه الوسائل في سرعة انتقال الاخبار والمعلومات وهذا ما جعل شريحة الشباب تتعلق بها وتستخدمها من اجل تنشيط افكارهم السياسية وتحريك وعيهم تجاه قضايا بلدهم ولكن هذه الوسائل قد تستخدم سلبا او ايجابا حسب توجه الافراد ومستواهم التعليمي([27]).

Third - to control minds through digital media

With the great spread of social media, ease of use and access to it, we began to witness its great impact on the engineering of society and people's trends until this influence reached their tastes, clothing, purchases, electoral votes and their general mood. Perhaps it is better for us in this time to call social networks the term "soft power", as it began to affect our lives without feeling that influence. Social media platforms, especially Facebook, have been running a yard to liquidate discounts between political blocs and competing parties to exploit that technology to broadcast the group between the components of one society. This is witnessed by Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and most of the Arab countries that suffer from a clear political confusion.

مما جعل الحكومات في تلك البلدان الى سن قوانين تجرم كل من يسئ أو يتناول أخبار غير مجهولة المصادر. وفي العراق تم سن “قانون جرائم المعلوماتية” لتنظيم إستخدام شبكات المعلومات وأجهزة الحاسوب والأجهزة والأنظمة الإليكترونية, والذي رفض بشكل قاطع من قبل غالبية المجتمع العراقي وكذلك منظمة حقوق الأنسان, باعتباره إعتداء صارخ ضد الحريات الفردية([28]).

يعتقد الكثيرون أن التكنولوجيا المتمثلة بوسائل التواصل الاجتماعي قد جعلت الأفراد على علم بكل ما يدور من حولهم من أحداث ورصد السياسات الخاطئة من قبل الحكومات وتقييم أداء الحكومات والمؤسسات التابعة للأنظمة السياسية. لدرجة اصبحت تلك التقنية الرقمية الضابط لسلوك الطبقة السياسية والرقيب لسياسات الحكومة, بسبب سرعة انتشار الاخبار عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي لتصل تلك الرسائل, او الاخبار, او الصور, أو الفيديوهات الى ملايين الافراد في بضع دقائق. مما جعل الجيل الرقمي يأخذ حجم متزايد داخل الحياة السياسية والاجتماعية, والتي لم يكن ذلك التأثير متوفر عبر الوسائل التقليدية. لكن هذا لا يخفي الجانب السلبي لتلك التكنلوجيا الرقمية. اذ من السهل أيضاً التلاعب بالمستخدمين من خلال نشر الأخبار والشائعات حول الكثير من القضايا التي تمس مصيرهم بشكل مفبرك مما يشوه الحقائق, وعدم اعتماد المصداقية في نشر الاخبار وتناول الاحداث بالإضافة الى جهل مصادر المعلومات لدى العامة([29])

The sixth axis: the impact of digital technology in accepting change by adopting new ideas

Digital technology has formed the strength of the daily life of individuals now (and if it disagrees from one place to another, and from one country to another), "knowledge" has led to wealth and modernization through "creativity" and "the father 9 complaints", whether in economic or cultural projects.

"Creativity" has become a competitive industry, which is currently called "creativity".The statistics in the field of "American publishing rights" have revealed 791 billion dollars, or 7, 8% of the total national income.It works with 8 million workers.The export return of it is about $ 89 billion, which exceeds the revenues of exporting the auto industry, chemical industries, and others.

Some writers also dealt with the use of the internet terms and contents within its creative works.This means entering the device and the internet network within the concerns of the writer, and from the fabric of his creative (paper) work.It can be referred to the novel of the novelist Yasser Shaaban called "Sons of Democracy", and there is a successful attempt in a number of short stories.In addition to some creative works in "child literature", which we will refer to later.

Then he was a writer who exceeded the formal approach to the internet and sought a new creativity that depends on the unconventional capabilities offered by the network. Employed the image, sound, color, movement, then the word finally in a new creativity called "digital creativity" and it depends on the production of what looks like the movie and the creator's understanding of montage, mixing, coloring and artistic techniques in addition to creativity in the word, but the word retreated in the arrangement between the elements of creativity. They were attempts in the novel and the digital story, and in the digital theater. (Digital creativity is more common in Europe and America than in the Arab world, but it awaits its prevalence, the multiplicity of his book, its readers, and even its future criticism (.

And with digital data or new technology in communication and media, with all its visual, audio, written, magnetic and electronic media, what about the state of creativity in it?Is there a new concept of creativity in view of this new data, and therefore how do we read the new and available "creativity" data?

Innovations of digital technology:

Digital technology is: image - sound - color and drawing, then movement, in addition to the word.The word ultimately comes (after it was before the "word" in the foreground), which means that the "digital text" is multi -tool, and varied, addressing feelings and feelings and did not abandon the mind.We will address the "image" component more detailed, given that it is at the forefront of the new technology, until the new era was called "the era of the image".

1- Image: “Image” is a cultural text .. Aristotle said: “Thinking is impossible without pictures.”While Apple Gans said in 1926: "We are already living in the era of the image."This was confirmed by Roland Bart."The image is symbolic, but it does not have the semantic characteristics of the language, it is the childhood of the mark, as the image is preferred because it is a link tool, but without a coherent human group, symbolic vitality is negated."

Now it is not possible to imagine contemporary life without images.The image is present in the markets and in educational means, through the media and the visual arts, and finally on the computer screens.

2- Voice: The sound is a formula in the digital language. The sound is an important mediator between the human and the environment in which he lives, and it is usually divided into a loud and low voice, or a repulsive and other likable sounds. The music began his studies on the fact that the sound is a duties in communication, or "audio communication". He was followed in the research "Taru", which concluded the importance of the voice in being a means of exchanging information. He concluded that the sound usually returns to the question: What or who? That is, the question about the source of the sound, but he noticed that the future environment can accept possibly sharp or repulsive sounds, such as that whistle (acute sound) that precedes the operation of the Internet, yet the listener does not feel alienated, because it prepares the listener to enter the World Wide Web.

3- الرسم والألوان : إجمالا يمكن الإشارة إلى أن عناصر بناء الأعمال الإبداعية والفنية: “الرسم واللون”، “الحركة”، “الكلمة”. بالإضافة إلى الصورة والصوت ضمن المعطيات الرقمية، كلها تلعب دورها المتميز جماليا ومعرفيا من خلال الكمبيوتر أو وسيلة التقنية الرقمية في التليفزيون والتليفون المحمول وغيره.([30])

What is new is that this technique highlighted the image and made it at the forefront, while the word was removed to the back! This is what some claimed to study these data and search for a new rhetoric for them, which is what was known as digital eloquence, which was said by Dr. Abeer Salama: It is “The Art of Persuasion in Electronic Media, or the Art of Content Guidance - in new types of discourse, such as e -mail, website pages, video games, blogs, and modified images to suit the medium through which (the Internet) is presented. Rhetoric here is concerned with the relationship between the image and the text (in movies, advertisements, Internet pages, etc.), pictures in visual rhetoric mental expressions of the cultural meaning.


If the coal is the engine of the industrial revolution that the world witnessed in the eighteenth century, then the Internet is the engine of the technological revolution that the world witnessed in the early twenty -first century, and if we may launch a designation on this era in which we live, it is the era of the “Internet” with distinction, where The Internet contributed to changing the forms and patterns of life, and even governments and states, and changed the traditional concepts of power, and electronic governments appeared, then developed to smart governments, and from them to smart cities, and it is not strange that we find soon an entire country that has become smart, dependent on the Internet and mobile phone devices In obtaining all services and ending all transactions. The emergence of electronic space and the web had an important impact on human life, the ease of its use and cheapness of its cost helped to carry out various roles in human life, whether commercial, economic, information, political, military, ideological, or other, and from here a new concept emerged that we can call it The concept of “electronic power. “Cyber ​​Power” who now runs the world is one of the very small ones, and it has become clear that those who possess mechanisms for employing this new electronic environment are the most able to influence the behavior of actors used for this environment. Just as the Internet helped to achieve the welfare of human life, it has also become a source of its threat, as an electronic space user can sign heavy losses on the other party, and to paralyze his information and communication evidence, which causes heavy military and economic losses, by cutting communication systems Between the military units and each other, misleading their information or stealing secret information about them, or by manipulating and falsifying economic and financial data, or scanning them from computers, and despite the fragrance of losses, weapons are simple that does not exceed kilobies, represented in electronic viruses that penetrate the computer network and spread quickly between The devices, and their work begins in complete confidentiality and with high efficiency, and in that it does not differentiate between the fighter and the civilian, between the public and the private and between the secret and the known.

Sources List:

1- Tamer Al-Maghawry Al-Mallah, digital citizenship challenges and hopes, Dar Al-Sahab for Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2017

2- Thannan Muhammad, visualizing a proposal to enable the information in the Palestinian schools and education ministry towards employing the requirements of digital citizenship in education, Master Thesis Al-Azhar University, Gaza, 2017,

3- Report of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, in Morocco, on technologies and values, the impact on youth, Morocco, 2017

4- Happy Arabs, technology and changing the cultural and economic values of human resources in the Algerian private institution, Master Thesis (unpublished), University of Constantine, Algeria, 2006

5- Sewala Hansen, capacity building in a variable environment for information and communications technology, published by the International Telecommunication Union (IUT), the second edition.

6- Man Muhammad Tawfiq: Human Resources Development under the digital environment: a study in the dimensions of Sisio _ Technology, PhD thesis, College of Social and Humanities _ Algiers University, 2015.

7- World Development Report: Digital returns, World Bank Group, 2016.

8_ Walaa Al -Rubaie, digital media and its implications for the development of societies / theoretical approach.

9_ Shadan Yaqoub Khalil Abi Yaqoub, after social media on the political awareness of the Palestinian issue among Najah National University students, 2015.

10_ Hanan Shashawah Al-Shehri, the effect of the use of electronic networks on social relations: Facebook and Twitter as a model, Master Thesis- King Abdulaziz University, 2013.

11- Tarif Shawky Mohamed Faraj, Social and Communicative Skills Cairo, Dar Gharib, 2003

12_ Human Rightsuch.Iraqi Information Crime Law.The United States of America (2012).

1- Wright, S. (2012). Politics as usual? Revolution, normalization and a new agenda for online deliberation. New media & society, 14(2), 244-261.‏

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1) Faris Muhammad Al -Amrat, a source previously mentioned.

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(1)صابرين السعو, مصدر سبق ذكره.

(1)صابرين السعو, مصدر سبق ذكره.

([8]) Hanan Shashawah Al-Shehri, the effect of the use of electronic networks on social relations: Facebook and Twitter as a model, Master Thesis- King Abdulaziz University, 2013.

([9]) What is digital citizenship, a research published on the Internet information on the link on the link

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)2) مصطفى القايد, مفهوم المواطنة الرقمية Digital Citizenship, شبكة تعليم جديدة, 20/2/2014, على الرابط: You will be: ///definition-of-digital-citizenship

([11]) Tamer Al -Maghawry Al -Mallah, Digital Citizenship Challenges and Hopes, Dar Al -Sahab for Publishing and Distribution, Cairo, 2017

([12]) Thawar Adnan Muhammad, visualizing a proposal to enable the information in the Palestinian schools and education ministry towards employing the requirements of digital citizenship in education, Master Thesis, Al -Azhar University, Gaza, 2017, p. 31.

([13]) Jamal Ali Al -Dahshan, Digital Citizenship as an entry point for Arab education in the digital age, Fifth Issue, College of Education at the University of Menoufia, 2016, p. 80.

([14]) Khawla official Al -Rashed, I imagine my future proposal for the development of digital citizenship among Jordanian governmental universities, the journal of educational and psychological sciences, Volume 3, Issue, October 23, 2019, p. 2.

([15]) Amal Al -Qahtani, the extent of the values of digital citizenship in the course of education techniques from the point of view of faculty members, Journal of the Islamic University for Educational and Psychological Studies, for the number of 26, Princess Noura University, Riyadh, 2017, p. 61.

([16]) Thawar Adnan Muhammad, visualizing a proposal to enable the information in the Palestinian schools and education ministry towards employing the requirements of digital citizenship in education, Master Thesis, Al -Azhar University, Gaza, 2017, p. 31.

([17]) Amal Al -Qahtani, previously mentioned source, p. 62.

([18]) Khalid bin Abdullah Al -Hammad, Technology and its impact on the community, research published on the link

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([19]) The report of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, in Morocco, on technologies and values, the impact on youth, Morocco, 2017, p. 21.

([20]) Happy Arabs, technology and changing cultural and economic values of human resources in the Algerian private institution, Master Thesis (Unpublished), College of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Mentori Constantine, Algeria, 2006, p. 118.

([21]) Hashem Nile Al -Majali, traditional societies and digital societies, Al -Dustour newspaper, Omani, for 1028/ Tuesday/ 3/ September 2018.

[22] - For more information, look at the website: https://mawdoo3.com

([23]) Sewala Hansen, Capacity Building in a Variable Environment of Information and Communications Technology, Publication issued by the International Telecommunication Union (IUT), second edition, p. 3.

([24]) and Man Muhammad Tawfiq: Human Resources Development under the digital environment: a study in the dimensions of Sisio _ Technology, PhD thesis, College of Social and Humanities _ University of Algeria, 2015 AD, pp. 118 _ 135

([25]) A report on development in the world: Digital returns, World Bank Group, 2016 AD, p. 10.

[26]-Walaa Al-Rubaie, digital media and its repercussions in the development of societies / theoretical approach, pp. 9-10

[27] - Shadan Yaqoub Khalil Abi Yaqoub, after social media on the political awareness of the Palestinian issue among Najah National University students, 2015, p. 13 and beyond

[28] - Human Rightsuch.Iraqi Information Crime Law.The United States of America (2012).

[29] – Wright, S. (2012). Politics as usual? Revolution, normalization and a new agenda for online deliberation. New media & society, 14(2), 244-261.‏

([30]) Abdul Aziz Ali Najm: Digital Technology and its Impact on the New Creativity, an article published on the electronic link


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