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تقنية جديدة لاكتشاف فيروسات الكمبيوتر دون برامج متخصصة.. ماهي؟

A team of researchers in France invented a new technology to discover viruses on computers without the need for specialized programs for this purpose.

This technology is based on the use of a magnetic field monitoring and a vibration sensor unit in order to monitor electromagnetic fingerprints of various viruses.

Electromagnetic waves

The idea behind the new technology is that any computer program from which electromagnetic waves are emitted when it is running.The patterns of these waves differ from one program to another due to the different operating codes of each program.

The researchers at the Institute of HP and RAM in France relied on this idea in creating the new technology for monitoring viruses, which they called "Rabbari Bay", where they measured the magnetic fields of viruses known to use a special device and then analyze these areas by the Fliblogy Sensation Unit.

تقنية جديدة لاكتشاف فيروسات الكمبيوتر دون برامج متخصصة.. ماهي؟

When reviewing the results of the vibration sensor, the researchers found that each computer virus has an electromagnetic imprint that differs from the other, and thus they feed these results in the virus monitoring device so that it can identify any virus depending on the magnetic fields that are issued.

Learn 99.8% of viruses

Experiments have proven that the new technology was able to identify 99.82 traditional viruses on computers, smartphones and other electronic devices.

The study team confirmed in statements reported by the website "Fire Dot Org", which specializes in technology, that the new technology is characterized by that it does not need to download any software on electronic devices, as it is not affected by the computer tricks that computer hackers may resort to to hide the presence of viruses within various operating systems.

The researchers ruled out the possibility of selling this new technology to consumers in the market, but it can be used in larger applications and servers.

Viruses are inherently disrupting the work of the computer or destroying its files.There are viruses that create annoying messages and types that operate unnecessary programs and types that work to occupy the processor so that the computer speed slows down or stealing data from the user computer such as account numbers, passwords, credit card numbers and other important data.

The term "virus" is wrongly used with the intention of other types of malicious programs.Maliam programs include viruses, along with many other sabotage software, Kidan Al Hasoub, Trojan horse, ransom software, keyboard observer, routine, spyware, addir and other, and most other malicious software threats are under the same concept of Trojan horse or computer worms instead of classifying themViruses.

The term computer virus appeared for the first time in 1985 AD by computer engineer, individual Cohen.

On January 13, 1989, the most dangerous computer viruses that threatened digital worlds appeared, as the computer virus struck the name "Friday 13" hundreds of calcium devices all over the United Kingdom.


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