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The 10 strangest facts about the history of technology

Computers and smartphones are now spread and are used by millions of people around the world, and it is fashionable to see children who are not more than five years old carrying phones, and direct their focus for the games they play on them..

Although the technology has made it a lot of things, until it became easy for people in two different continents to contact sound and image, the matter was not always easy, the devices that we use with ease needed years before they evolve and take their current form..

There are many strange facts that some do not know about technology, and the "Economic Times" has published a report that includes some of these facts..

1- Changing the lines provides the printer ink

Writing lines are not equal, and people resort to using several types of lines for several reasons, such as delivering or transferring a specific message, or using lines as a cosmetic form.

The prevailing theory was that if a lighter line was used, this would lead to a less ink for each page, and indeed 10% of the ink could be provided using light lines, but this applies to ink printers that use the old style in printing, not onModern printers such as laser printers.

2- E-mail precedes the presence of the World Wide Web

Perhaps you do not need to write and send one line via email now to make any effort, but that was not so easy, there is an interesting video clip on YouTube under the title "How to send an email in 1984", and this was aTechnology television program, and the program's providers explained how to send an email these days.

It should have been used as a computer and phone to connect to the "Micront" service, which was preceding the presence of the Internet.

3- 92 % of currencies in the world digital currencies

Digital currencies represent 92% of the currencies in the world, which means that the money that individuals earn, and buy goods with them are funds only on computers and hard disks, while there are only 8% cash money.

This percentage includes all kinds of transactions that were carried out using credit cards, discounts and transfers, as it can easily withdraw billions within a few minutes..

4- It was possible to register a free domain name until 1995

It was available to anyone to choose and record any domain name for his company for free before 1995, but that year the right was granted to "Network Solichon" to obtain fees from people when registering the domain name, and that was very expensive at the time, at prices starting at $ 100To register for two years.

30% of these funds went as a drawing to the "National Science" Foundation to establish the intellectual infrastructure fund, and this fee was canceled in 1997, which led to a decrease in the registration value to 70%.

أغرب 10 حقائق عن تاريخ التكنولوجيا

5- 5 MB of data weighing a tons in 1956

In 1956, IBM launched the Ramak device, the first computer to contain what is similar to the hard disk used at the present time, and magnetic tablets have been used to store and transfer the data, and 5MB of data needed storage on more than 50One of the huge aluminum tablets that weigh more than 1000 kg, and these tablets were ranging at 1,200 rpm, and the machines were renting for $ 3,200 a month..

6- The first mouse was the X-Way index

The world's first indication of the world was invented in the early 1960s by Douglas Engelbert and Bill Inch, and it was called the X Way index of display systems.

This indicator was used with the "Zerox Alto" computer, and in 1968 "Engelbert" managed to process texts, drawings, "Windows", linking and controlling files and using it..

It is thanks to "Engelbert" in launching the name of the mouse or "mouse" on this device.

7- Russia invented a computer-operating computer in 1936

In 1936, "Vladimir Lukianov" used water to design a computer that solves partial differential equations, in which it contains a complex system of water -filled tubes, and it is now found in the Museum of Applied Arts in Moscow.

8- "Koerti" keyboard was used in advanced calculators

Before the invention of smartphones, calculators were widespread, and they could have been used to store data and do calculations while students resolved for differential equations, and while students were allowed to bring advanced calculators with them to the exam, it was forbidden to bring calculators that contain a keyboard whose buttons begin with letters.Qwety, because this painting was placed on the computer.

The Texas Instrometen Company has solved this problem by placing a keyboard that begins buttons in the usual order of alphabets..

9- "Wikipedia" needs an army to fight information manipulators on its pages

Wikipedia's basic mission is to provide free information to anyone who can enter the Internet, and yet anyone can enter and change the information in the Wikipedia pages, which leads to what is called deliberate sabotage.

For this, there is "bot", which is a computer program written in a specific programming language, which can monitor the changes that are made on any page, and return the page to its original version immediateFor the last census.

10- NASA was hacked with a computer in 1999

The teenager "Jonathan James" (15 years) between August and October 1999 managed to penetrate NASA using a computer, reach more than 3000 messages, user names and employee passwords.

The agency was forced to close all three weeks to solve this problem at a cost of 41 thousand dollars, and James was sentenced to 16 years in prison, to become the first prisoners in Internet crimes at the time..


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